Call for representatives to join the System Operational Response Taskforce (SORT)
The System Operational Response Taskforce (SORT) is a new GM structure that will replace the existing Hospital Gold Command and Community Coordination Cell.This new taskforce will oversee system operational response to pressures and the operational delivery of the GM Recovery Strategy. The role of the SORT includes:
- Facilitate situational awareness across the system via a single escalation framework and dashboard reporting, with oversight of the entire pathway in one place
- Provide and share modelling and forecasting to enable system wide operational forward planning – enabling preparation and planning to avoid try to avoid escalation
- Plan, coordinate and ensure delivery of system operational response, based on current and forecasted pressures (intelligence informing action)
- Promote connectivity (across the system, programmes and pathways) and support communication across the system on pressures and actions agreed via the group
- Provide an escalation route for operational issues impacting delivery and recovery across the system, which cannot be solved at individual locality level
We are recruiting for one of two VCSE representatives to join this taskforce and are inviting Expressions of Interest from anyone wishing to be considered for the role.
Find out more about SORT, the role and submit an expression of interest here
Closing date for Expressions of Interest: 12noon on Wednesday, 14th September.